How to Wash Hoka Shoes in Washing Machine

your Hoka shoes

Hoka shoes are known for their comfort and support, making them a popular choice among runners and casual wearers alike. After extensive use, these shoes may become dirty and require proper cleaning. Washing them in a washing machine can save time and effort if done correctly. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you are not compromising the integrity of the shoe material. In this article, we will guide you through the best methods to wash your Hoka shoes safely and effectively in a washing machine.

Understanding the Material of Hoka Shoes

The Importance of Material Knowledge

Before embarking on the washing process, it’s important to understand the materials used in Hoka shoes. Most Hoka models incorporate various textiles, rubber, and foam. These materials offer both comfort and durability, contributing to the shoe’s overall performance. Knowing the composition of your shoes is crucial, as it helps you decide on the cleaning approach. For example, mesh materials may be more sensitive to harsh detergents, whereas rubber soles can generally withstand more robust cleaning solutions.

Moreover, different models of Hoka shoes can have different materials, which means they may require specific care techniques. Keeping this in mind will help you avoid damaging the shoe’s structure, ensuring they last longer. Always examine the shoes before washing them, checking for specific warnings or suggestions regarding cleaning from the manufacturer.

Checking Manufacturer Guidelines

Alongside understanding materials, checking Hoka’s manufacturer guidelines is essential. Hoka provides useful washing instructions for various models. Every pair of shoes comes with a tag, usually found on the insole or tongue. This tag will inform you about the recommended cleaning methods. Following these instructions is always helpful since they are designed to maintain the shoe’s features. Failing to adhere to these guidelines may lead to unintended damage.

In addition, checking the manufacturer’s website or customer service may provide additional insights. Different models might require different levels of care, especially based on their intended use—running, walking, or casual wear. Therefore, it is crucial to gather all the necessary information before proceeding to the washing stage.

your Hoka shoes

Preparing Your Hoka Shoes for Washing

Removing Laces and Insoles

Before placing your Hoka shoes in the washing machine, preparation is vital. Start by removing the laces and insoles. This step allows for a more thorough cleaning, ensuring that all areas are addressed. It also minimizes wear and tear on these components during the wash cycle. Depending on the model, laces may present different materials, so consider hand-washing them separately.

After removing the insoles, inspect them for any excessive dirt or grime. Lightly brush off any debris using a soft brush or damp cloth. If the insoles are particularly dirty, consider soaking them in warm, soapy water. Rinse them thoroughly and allow them to air-dry. This will not only clean the insoles but also extend their lifespan.

Brushing Off Excess Dirt

It’s equally important to brush off excess dirt and mud from the shoes before washing. This initial step eases the load on your washing machine. A soft-bristled brush works best for this task. Start at the soles, then move toward the upper parts, gently dislodging any debris. It is advisable to focus on the grooves and crevices, which often collect dirt.

Once the surface dirt has been removed, inspect for any tough stains. If necessary, apply a diluted solution of mild detergent to stubborn areas. Let it sit for a few minutes before brushing it off. This pre-emptive cleaning can significantly enhance the washing process, making your shoes look almost new after the wash.

Choosing the Right Washing Machine Settings

Selecting the Appropriate Cycle

To ensure your Hoka shoes are washed effectively, selecting the right washing machine cycle is crucial. Typically, a gentle or delicate cycle works best. This setting spins slower and has less agitation, reducing the risk of damaging the shoes. On the other hand, avoid using a heavy-duty cycle, as it may wear down the materials and affect their overall structure.

In addition, always check the load size. You should wash Hoka shoes alone or with a few other soft items, like towels. This balancing prevents excessive movement during the wash, allowing for a more thorough cleaning without impacting the shoes negatively. Striking the right balance within the washing machine is essential for a successful clean.

Using a Laundry Bag

Using a laundry bag is another practical step in the process. Placing your shoes inside a mesh laundry bag offers added protection. It keeps them secure while allowing proper water flow throughout the washing process. The mesh material enables water and detergent to penetrate, ensuring effective cleaning without risking wear on your shoes.

Additionally, this step safeguards your washing machine’s drum from potential damage. If your shoes are heavier, this precaution becomes even more important. The laundry bag effectively absorbs shocks, minimizing potential impacts during the wash cycle. Overall, this simple choice can significantly improve the washing experience for your beloved Hoka shoes.

your Hoka shoes

Selecting the Right Detergent

Mild Detergents Are Best

Choosing the right detergent can make a difference in your Hoka shoes’ cleaning process. Mild, eco-friendly detergents are always the best choice. Harsh chemicals can weaken materials, leading to a shorter lifespan for your shoes. Moreover, eco-friendly options are less likely to irritate sensitive skin. A gentle detergent will effectively clean your shoes without compromising their structural integrity.

In some cases, using too much detergent can have negative side effects. Excess suds may not rinse out completely, leading to stiffness in the shoe’s materials. Therefore, it’s advisable to use only a small amount of detergent. Remember, less is often more when it comes to washing sneakers like Hoka shoes. Additionally, always read the label to identify the recommended usage amount for optimal results.

Avoiding Fabric Softeners

While it may be tempting to add fabric softener for that fresh scent, it is advisable to avoid it when washing Hoka shoes. Fabric softeners could coat the materials, particularly the mesh and foam, affecting their breathability and cushioning. Shoes need to maintain their structural qualities, and fabric softener can compromise that.

Moreover, softeners may lead to staining or discoloration, particularly in lighter shoe models. Therefore, skipping this step ensures that your shoes maintain both their appearance and performance. Opt for natural methods to add freshness, such as air drying them outdoors after washing. It will keep your shoes looking great without any adverse effects from added chemicals.

Drying Your Hoka Shoes Properly

Air-Drying Techniques

Once the washing cycle is complete, proper drying techniques are paramount. Air-drying is the most effective method for drying your Hoka shoes. Start by removing them from the washing machine carefully. Check for any excess water and gently shake the shoes to remove as much moisture as possible.

Place your Hoka shoes in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can fade colors and damage materials, so avoid this at all costs. To help maintain the shoe’s shape, consider stuffing them with newspaper or clean towels. This step will absorb moisture and prevent sagging. Change the stuffing periodically until the shoes are fully dry.

Avoiding the Dryer

Using a clothes dryer is highly discouraged when it comes to cleaning Hoka shoes. The intense heat can warp the materials, destroy the shoe’s structure, and diminish cushioning. Dryers tend to expose shoes to extreme conditions they’re not designed to handle. Even low-heat settings can have negative effects.

In some cases, the heat may even cause the glue that binds the different parts of the shoe to start breaking down. Therefore, always commit to air-drying. It might take longer, but it’s the safest way to ensure your shoes maintain their original features. Stick to air-drying, and you will notice that your Hoka shoes remain in great condition.

your Hoka shoes

Maintaining Your Hoka Shoes Post-Wash

Regular Cleaning Habits

After reviewing the washing process, developing regular cleaning habits will further extend the life of your Hoka shoes. Post-use care is just as important as periodic deep cleans. After each wear, especially in muddy or dusty conditions, gently brush off any loose dirt. This ensures that grime does not accumulate, making future cleaning easier.

Additionally, if your shoes get wet from rain or splashes, air-dry them immediately. Prevention and care go hand-in-hand in ensuring longevity. Spending a few minutes on upkeep can save hours during intensive cleaning. Building these small habits into your routine can have significant long-term effects.

Storage Considerations

How you store your Hoka shoes also affects their lifespan. Keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing them in places prone to humidity, such as basements or near heaters. Such environments can warp shoes and deteriorate materials.

Using a dedicated shoe storage solution can also keep them organized and protected from other items. Consider investing in a shoe rack that allows your shoes to breathe freely. If you travel frequently, using a travel shoe bag can help you maintain their condition while on the move. By taking these steps, you ensure their longevity and cleanliness.


Caring for your Hoka shoes not only enhances their lifespan but also keeps them looking fabulous. By following these steps, you can clean your shoes safely and effectively using a washing machine. Always prioritize understanding materials, selecting the right settings, and adopting regular cleaning habits. Proper care will keep you comfortable on every run or every walk.

Incorporating these cleaning processes into your routine is worth it. Not only will your shoes look great, but they’ll also maintain their comfort and support for a much longer time. After all, the right care makes the difference. Happy running!